Discogs Total Price Sorter

#5 / 8 rate

Discogs Total Price Sorter

331 users


Jon Uleis

Extension Information

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Supported Languages


Upgrade the Price column on the Discogs Marketplace to sort by total prices instead of pre-shipping prices!

Sort by the Price column on Discogs with this extension, and it will become a "Total Price" column that factors in shipping costs. Items unavailable in your country will also be sorted to the bottom of the list, as these would tend to appear cheaper due to the shipping cost not being tabulated.

This extension is also compatible with scripts that allow infinite loading, such as Discogs Enhancer and AutoPagerize.

Note that this extension sorts all listings currently loaded on the page, but does not automatically pull in prices from any further results pages. Therefore, it's recommended to set Discogs to view 250 listings at a time to incorporate more results.