tool4seller - Amazon Product Research

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tool4seller - Amazon Product Research

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Make your product research easy and fast. Help you gauge product potential, calculate profits, assess market competition & more.

Tool4seller allows you to do product research on both listing page and search result page, and provides all hidden data to help you quickly find your next winning products.

With Tool4seller's Chrome extension, you can get:

Reverse ASIN Lookup
Discover what search terms your competitors are using on Amazon. Leverage their keyword strategies to generate your keyword choices. These data are directly from Amazon.

Profit Calculator
Have cost breakdown on the ASIN level, including Amazon referral fees, shipping fees, storage fees, etc. Easily toggle between FBA fees and FBM fees to know your profits before selling.

Keyword Research
Display most popular search terms, Amazon recommended keywords as well as their performance. Our keyword tools can generate powerful long-tail keywords, discover your competitor's traffic keywords and count word frequency to help you effectively conduct keyword research.

Category Insights
Offer depth metrics for category including glance view, units sold, net sales, competition and returns to help sellers understand market trends and pick up your next winning products. Data comes from Amazon.

Review Insights
Have review summary and review trends at glance. Automatically find out high-frequency keywords, help sellers analyze product strengths and weakness to improve and gauge product potential. You can download all reviews to local folder for further analysis.

Product Analytics
View all important data of products like sales, inventory, search terms, etc. Tool4seller also provides a detailed analysis of top 100 products on Amazon search result page which assists you in making informed decisions on product selection and development.

Listing Quality Score
Provide a quality score that helps you evaluate your Amazon listing performance and offer you insightful recommendations on listing optimization. Help you improve the quality of your listing and give you an edge over your competitors.

Competitor Tracking
Track any historical change of your competitor's product including monthly sales, Lightning Deals, price, etc. Help you understand your competitors' pricing & promotion strategies, and you can optimize your own product accordingly.

Tool4seller Product Research Extension is available for all Amazon marketplaces. Sign up tool4seller for free.

Tool4seller is committed to providing an all-in-one Amazon seller tool for its users, including sales summary, keyword research, profit calculation, data analytics, rank tracking, inventory management, PPC optimization, category insights, review analysis, email automation and design patent search, to help sellers work efficiently and build the next best seller.

For more information about Tool4seller:
If you have any question, please contact us at: [email protected]


Vera you
Vera you

Very useful tool and help my know my true profit.

Amir LLC
Amir LLC

This is an amazing service I use it a lot and it helps me a lot in many areas and it's free.

Heist Ramesh
Heist Ramesh

Tool4seller is an useful extension for product research. The accurate data, prodift margin calculator and insightful analytics work well for every seller. And I love its customer service team which always gives me the fast response. I will highly recommend this tool to any Amazon seller.

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