Shortcuts for Chromium

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Shortcuts for Chromium

249 users


Tomáš Vyčítal

Extension Information

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Optional Permissions


Global shortcuts working everywhere (including outside of Chrome if you wish).

Global shortcuts working everywhere (including outside of Chrome if you wish).

Detailed instructions are available in the extension's options.

· Opening of tabs muted.
· Removal of finished downloads.
· Dozens of commands (list below).

Commands can be triggered:
· In omnibox (type “: ”).
· In browser action.
· By keyboard shortcuts.

List of commands:
· Add a new highlight to this page.
· Close tab(s).
· Close this tab but only close the window if the tab is a new tab page.
· Dislike video(s).
· Dump tab(s) info.
· Duplicate tab(s).
· Focus the tab on the left.
· Focus the tab on the right.
· Keep only app tabs in the scope.
· Keep only audible tabs in the scope.
· Keep only highlighted tabs in the scope.
· Keep only muted tabs in the scope.
· Keep only normal tabs in the scope.
· Keep only panel tabs in the scope.
· Keep only pinned tabs in the scope.
· Keep only popup tabs in the scope.
· Keep only unaudible tabs in the scope.
· Keep only unhighlighted tabs in the scope.
· Keep only unmuted tabs in the scope.
· Keep only unpinned tabs in the scope.
· Like video(s).
· Make links (un)clickable on page(s).
· Make this page narrow.
· Move this tab to the left.
· Move this tab to the right.
· Mute tab(s).
· Open downloads folder.
· Open page(s) in a new tab(s).
· Open page(s) in a new window(s).
· Open page(s) in app mode (i.e. without omnibox and tablist).
· Open page(s) in new incognito window(s).
· Open page(s)' source code(s).
· Open video(s) in fullscreen.
· Pause playing video(s).
· Pin tab(s).
· Place all kinds of tabs in the scope.
· Play next video(s).
· Play paused video(s).
· Play previous video(s).
· Prevent closing of tab(s).
· Reload tab(s) without cache (redownload images etc.)
· Reload tab(s).
· Remove deleted downloads (files were deleted already).
· Remove dislike from video(s).
· Remove finished downloads (no files will be deleted).
· Remove like from video(s).
· Set scope to all tabs.
· Set scope to current tab.
· Set scope to current window.
· Set scope to other tabs in current window.
· Set scope to other tabs.
· Set scope to other windows.
· Set the default scope (current tab).
· Skip/close adds.
· Toggle closing of tab(s) prevention.
· Toggle muted state for tab(s).
· Toggle tab(s) pinned state.
· Turn closing of tab(s) prevention off.
· Unmute tab(s).
· Unpin tab(s).
+ 100 custom shortcuts,
+ 100 custom page actions.