Sift — Minimalist LinkedIn Feed & Blocker

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Sift — Minimalist LinkedIn Feed & Blocker

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Follow creators, see their posts in a separate feed. Block the default feed. Choose scrolling time & get reports on scrolled time.

Sift completely transforms the way you consume content from LinkedIn, allowing you to save time, grow your audience, and build meaningful relations.

We currently offer 3 main features:

1. A separate, minimalist, feed that allows you to view creators’ posts outside of LinkedIn.

2. A feed blocker, that allows you to control how much time you scroll on the normal LinkedIn feed: you can unblock it for a specific time, and receive reports about the time you've scrolled.

3. Email Digests, to receive daily or weekly summaries of the posts from creators you follow on Sift.

🔘 Benefits

1. Don’t spend hours on LinkedIn to find interesting content.
2. Remove any distractions by using a simpler feed.
3. Never miss the latest content from your favorite creators by subscribing to email digests.
4. Get back control of your time: choose how much time you will spend scrolling on the normal feed.

🔘 Usage

1. Use the extension to follow your favorite creators on LinkedIn and see their posts in our feed.
You won't have any social distractions, and you'll be able to focus only on the content of the people you followed.
You can also choose to receive your “feed” by email.

2. With Sift, you can engage with any content in one click. You'll be redirected to the actual post on LinkedIn to react to or comment on the post.

3. You can also keep an eye on the activity of your clients, leads or competitors.

4. You can use the normal feed at any time, but now, you’re in control: choose how many minutes you’ll scroll, before starting.

🔘 Features

- Click on the "Follow" button from any LinkedIn profile (the button is added by the extension).
- See on Sift ( the posts from people you followed.
- Subscribe to email digests from the app.
- Block/unblock the normal feed from LinkedIn, and choose your “scrolling time”.

🔘 Need help?
- Contact the developer if you have any questions.

🔘 Privacy
- To use this extension you'll need to sign in to Sift.
- Sift will use your LinkedIn session to get the posts from the people you follow.


Ernst Sattler
Ernst Sattler

Great Extension, is exactly what i need not getting distracted on LinkedIn...

Joao Da Silva Marly
Joao Da Silva Marly

J'adore la façon dont cette extension me permet de personnaliser ma navigation en utilisant la fonction de blocage du feed. Cela me permet de rester focus sur ce qui compte vraiment pendant ma navigation sur Linkedin, en minimisant les distractions. Je trouve que le Feed Blocker est particulièrement bien conçu et facile à utiliser, ce qui en fait un atout précieux. Bravo à l'équipe derrière cette extension pour avoir créé une fonctionnalité aussi utile pour les utilisateurs comme moi. Je recommande vivement Sift à tous ceux qui recherchent une expérience de navigation plus ciblée et productive sur Linkedin! 🚀

Maxime Binet
Maxime Binet

Super useful, much smarter than a regular feed blocker 🧠 Finally I can avoid the linkedin feed but not miss the posts from the selected persons I like 🙌

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