ChatGPT Block Checker

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ChatGPT Block Checker

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This extensions checks if a website blocked ChatGPT or ChatGPT Plugins for accessing their content.

šŸ” ChatGPT Block Checker

Whether you're a developer, researcher, or just someone curious about the digital world, ChatGPT Block Checker offers a simple way to know if a website blocks ChatGPT from accessing its content. It's not just a tool; it's a window into how the web operates.

šŸš« Instant Block Detection - As soon as you visit a website, the extension icon changes if ChatGPT is blocked. No clicks required, know at a glance!

šŸ‘ļø Interactive Insight - Understand how websites interact with ChatGPT, uncovering the hidden dynamics of the web.

šŸŽØ User-Friendly Design - An intuitive experience with a simple interface, now enhanced with visual cues to notify you of ChatGPT blockage instantly.

How it Works:
- Install ChatGPT Block Checker - Add it to Chrome in a snap.
- Browse Freely - Visit any website, and if ChatGPT is blocked, the extension icon changes. No need to click!
- Click for Details (Optional) - Want more information? Just click the icon.

Why Choose ChatGPT Block Checker?

Understanding the relationship between websites and ChatGPT is now as easy as browsing your favorite sites. With instant visual feedback, this tool appeals to a wide audience, from tech professionals to the everyday user.