Automatically create website citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles at the click of a button.
Thanks for your work. As a health professional, we use AMA or Vancouver style. Is it possible to ad this style to your extension?
Works but could be improved and have found bugs. I needed to sign in to citethisforme webpage before this extension worked for me. Citations automatically generated at press of button but not always accurate. E.g. source and title get switched. With no options to edit before copying this makes the extension less useful. Finally I think there's a bug: the published year is not completed on some pages except in the harvard style. Try a financial times article for testing
Works very well and makes college and high school 10x easier. I did notice a bug where the date accessed is 1 day ahead of what it should be (ex. Accessed on 29, when you accessed it on the 28)
Free Software Utilities
Leaf Group
Fraser Deans
Felipe Thome