Recent IG Posts by Hashtag

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Recent IG Posts by Hashtag

255 users


Felix Melchner

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Enter a hashtag to view its most recent IG posts.

Some months ago, Instagram™ removed a feature to view the most recent posts by hashtag. Ever since, the community has been complaining about it: "This is so frustrating!", "This killed the functionality of hashtags for me.", "It makes hashtags virtually useless for finding anything new or finding a sense of community."

⭐️ This Chrome extension intends to bring recent posts by hashtag back to the community.

★ Here is how it works:
1) Install the Chrome extension and click the extension's icon to open up the sidebar on
2) Enter a hashtag and hit "Search" to view the recent posts of this hashtag.
3) Open individual posts or all posts in new tabs and start engaging.

★ Current limitations (hopefully be fixed in future versions):
- Post photos can unfortunately not be displayed (yet).
- You see only the most recent 20-30 posts per hashtag and can't go back further into the past.
- There is a daily quota of 10 hashtags.

★ Your feedback
- Please use the "Send feedback" button to share your feedback with me. It's very valuable to better understand the needs of the community and further improve this extension.

★ Disclaimer
This extension does not belong or is not related to the official Instagram™ application / website in any ways. It is an unofficial extension that is developed and maintained independently. This browser extension is a wrapper to the original Instagram™ web application and makes it more usable by adding functionality to retrieve latest posts by hashtag. This Chrome plugin is not endorsed or certified by any third party. All third party logos and trademarks displayed on this Chrome plugin are properties of the third parties. This extension is distributed AS IS.