Highlight multiple words in a web page to see immediately if the page contains any relevant information
When you look for some information in many posts, articles, or announcements, it is handy to highlight relevant keywords in the web page contents. Now that it is trendy for the search engines to return inexact and irrelevant results, highlighting meaningful expressions saves time.
A sample use case - searching for job offers in LinkedIn. >95% of search results do not contain the words used for the search. With this extension you do not need to read each post, you see immediately if it contains any keywords.
Or imagine you search with Google. You want to highlight your keywords in the search results and the pages that open when you click the links.
The extension is maximally simple to use. Enter once the keywords in the option page, and then click the extension icon whenever you look though the contents that are supposed to contain those text strings. To access the options, right click the extension's icon and then click options in the menu.
By default the effect of the click on the extension's icon is lost on any navigation or refresh. You can choose in the options to reactivate highlighting automatically when navigation is from a page where highlighting was on. Note, highlights appear when a page is completely loaded.