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💬 Comment-AI 💬 Feeling the pressure to leave a meaningful comment on a post, but struggling with the right words? Introducing…

💬 Comment-AI 💬

Feeling the pressure to leave a meaningful comment on a post, but struggling with the right words?

Introducing Comment-AI, your copilot that crafts engaging comments for you, amplifying your presence and engagement across social platforms.

What does it do? Comment-AI is a Chrome extension that crafts engaging and relevant comments for LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, helping you shine and establish genuine connections.

Never let words escape you again. With Comment-AI, enhance your online presence, establish genuine connections, and engage meaningfully across social platforms.

🥳 Key Features 🥳:

- Unlimited custom prompts
- LinkedIn comment generator
- Instagram comment generator
- Twitter comment generator
- Multilingual support
- Word count control
- Comment count control
- Add/edit/delete custom prompts

📘 How to Use It? 📘:

1. License Validation
- Validate your license with your email and license key.
- Add and validate your OpenAI API Key (only GPT-3.5 Turbo is supported currently).

2. Prompt Settings
- Choose your platform (LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter).
- Name your prompt.
- Set the number of comments to generate.
- Set the number of words per comment.
- Select the desired language for the comments.
- Add a custom instruction for the AI to follow.
- Save your settings.

3. Comment Generation
- Select the text of the post you want to comment on.
- Click on the comment zone; a menu "🔄 ⬅️ ➡️ ✅ ❌" will appear at the top.
- Click on the generate button "🔄" and let the AI generate your comments.
- Use "⬅️" and "➡️" to navigate through the generated comments list.
- Use "✅" to select and validate your comment. You can refine it if desired.
- Post your comment 🥳.

4. Notes
- When you generate a comment for a post, you must always validate (✅) or cancel (❌) the comment before moving on to another post. Otherwise, the menu will not appear if you try to generate a comment for another post without validating (✅) or canceling (❌) the previous one.

- By default, the system prompt is used if you don't add a custom prompt. Each platform has a default system prompt, so there is no need to add a custom prompt unless you prefer to do so.

- If you add a custom prompt, you can select it from the prompt gallery.

- To make your OpenAI API Key work, you need to enable billing on your OpenAI dashboard ->

- If your OpenAI API key initially works and then stops, please try to generate another API key and validate it in the Comment-AI settings.

5. Support
- If you encounter any issues, please send us an email at [email protected]