Bottly for WhatsApp™

#5 / 11 rate

Bottly for WhatsApp™

280 users


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Add more tools and options for WhatsApp Web for more privacy and reliability.

Have complete control over your WhatsApp ™, with several tools to increase your productivity and privacy. Your experience will be another one using this tool that helps in several enhanced tasks of your privacy and usability.

WhatsApp ™ is a trademark of WhatsApp Inc

#Get a 15 day Free trial account, send your details on: [email protected]
Name, Mobile Number (country code) and Email address

#or pay here to get full version
Send receipt to [email protected] to get the software activation key.

Core Features
#Connect with customers without saving numbers by sending them messages easily.
#Add custom delay time after each message.
#No software installation needed, just a simple chrome extension.
#Extremely simple to use.
#Use formatting (*BOLD* _italic_ ~strikethrough~ & EMOJI) to communicate better with your customers.
#Name customization in message.
#Send image, audio, video file attachments.
#Filter WhatsApp numbers.
#Give contacts an option to unsubscribe.
#Download unsaved contacts/numbers from groups, broadcast lists and more…
#Download/export/save all contacts.
#Send links redirecting people to your website/ shop. Give your customers an option to purchase directly from your shop.
#Upload an excel sheet of your customers and send messages to any country.
#Send Unsubscribe option with every message so that people who don’t want to receive messages from you can safely opt out.
# Download delivery reports and detailed analytics of all the messages that you’ve sent to your customers on WhatsApp.
#Active Support - Emails are answered within 24 hours, even on Sundays. You can contact us anytime by using Live Chat Support on the website or you can email us at [email protected]
#Extremely lightweight and fast: Coded with performance in mind. Simple, intuitive UI so that you can use our extension right away.
#Can use in Native Language like English / Arabic / Español (Spanish) / Português (Portuguese) / Français (French) / Russian (Pусский).
# Delight your customers by helping them connect with your business on a platform that they love.

We do not support Bulk messaging and anything which is against the policies of WhatsApp Inc. Kindly do not use for SPAMMING or BULK Marketing which are strictly prohibited. This software is developed only for personal use / official business usage and not for any kind of bulk messaging.

This Chrome plugin is not endorsed or certified WhatsApp Inc. Bottly (Code-ai | GoLocall) is not affiliated or a part of Whatsapp™, Or Facebook Inc. Bottly (Code-ai | GoLocall) is an independent Automation software that has no way related or affiliated with Facebook, Whatsapp, or Instagram or any such related products of companies.