Markdown Anywhere

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Markdown Anywhere

481 users


Chris Wilper

Extension Information

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Distraction-free Markdown editing for the web

This extension launches a full-page syntax-aware Markdown editor, with instant preview, for any plain textarea on the web. Default or Vim keymaps are supported.

Usage: While on a page with a plain textarea, activate the editor with Alt-Shift-H. When finished, hit the button or keyboard shortcut again. If you prefer vim, you can turn it on in Options. While in vim mode, :q or :wq will close the editor. You also always close the editor with the same keyboard shortcut you used to launch it. Hit the other keyboard shortcut (Alt-Shift-L) to toggle instant preview on and off.

Save/restore functionality: If you you vim keybindings, the command sequence :w will save a copy of the current editor buffer, in case you need to restore it. There is a history of saves, accessible via Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc. The most recent save always gets pushed onto the Ctrl-1 buffer, moving the previously stored one to Ctrl-2, and so on. This can be used across Markdown Anywhere sessions, and helps in case the server loses your change due to network outage, etc..

Tip: You can change the keyboard shortcuts to whatever you want. See the "Keyboard Shortcuts" link at the bottom of your extensions list in Chrome.

Note: This extension is designed to work primarily with *plain* textareas that don't already have rich text editing capabilities. Using it on already-rich textareas, such as those found on Github, is not supported.

Attributions: The author would like to acknowledge the following artists for making their work available for public use:
* Demo video background music by bensound:
* Promo image background (modified), by scienceatlife: licensed under