Easily proofread, edit, and track changes to your content in ChatGPT.
UPDATE: The 'editGPT' button will appear in the top corner of ChatGPT after a message is sent.
1. Install the extension
2. Go to the chatGPT website. The extension only works on https://chat.openai.com/
3. Type in a prompt that includes the text you want to edit, for example: "Proofread this: [insert your text here]."
3. Wait for the response! The 'editGPT' button only appears after the response is complete.
5. Click on the button to turn on editing mode.
Track Changes
Select (highlight) the text and press Accept or Reject button to accept or reject changes in the highlighted portion.
Reset button will reset to original.
Markup button will show/hide markup.
Clipboard button will copy your text including any changes you've made to clipboard (without markup).
Example Prompts
These four prompts typically increase how intrusive chatGPT's editing is.
1. Proofread this but only fix grammar:
2. Proofread this:
3. Proofread this, lightly improving clarity and flow:
5. Proofread this, improving clarity and flow:
Other prompts:
Proofread this, significantly improving clarity and flow:
Rewrite this, improving prose:
Proofread these bullet points from my CV, keep it in CV language:
Proofread these bullet points:
Note: Everything after 'Proofread' or 'Rewrite' and before the first colon (:) will be considered a prompt and removed from the text comparison
Version 1.0.18:
Added support for HTML iFrame generation
Version 1.0.21:
New domain - working again