Set the focus on search boxes without using the mouse
Thank you! Yes, it works as advertised! To the author: As you say, one gets very tired very quickly constantly having to move one's hands from the keyboard position to the mouse and back again. I was looking for an easy way to jump between the Google search box and the address bar. Apparently, Chrome has reserved Ctrl+L to jump to the address bar (great!) but doesn't have a corresponding hotkey combination for setting the focus to the search box on their own page! Thanks for this! Only, maybe if you could add the option of letting the Esc-key cycle between setting the focus to the addess bar and to the search box, thay could also be useful? To users: Looking at the javascript (which I am not literate in, but I have been programming in C for years), it's a very brief program and looks totally innocuous as far as I can see, so I have no fears using it even though there are so few users.
Very useful, works as intended.
Krzysztof Wróbel
Pisi Pisi
José Tomás Tocino
Felix Meyer-Wolters
Dummybug Studios