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Easy access on ArXiv! Rename the title to the paper's title. Add a button to navigate easily. Download PDF with meaningful filename.

For ArXiv PDF / abstract tabs:

- Renames the title to paper's title automatically in the background. (Originally is meaningless paper id, or start with paper id)
- Add an action button to open its corresponding abstract / PDF page. (Originally is hard to get back to abstract page from PDF page)
- Add a direct download link on abstract page, click it to download the PDF with the title as filename. (Originally is paper id as filename)
- Open the paper in extra services such as ar5iv and arXiv Vanity.
- Better title even for bookmarks!
- Firefox has strict restrictions on PDF.js. So it doesn't work well with OneTab, the PDF renaming is achieved by intercepting requests and show the PDF in a container. The bookmark works well though.
- Works well with native tab search


- `tabs`: On extension button click, open a new tab and move it to the right of the old active tab.
- `activeTab`: Read active tab's title and modify it using the tab's url.
- `storage`: Save extension configurations.
- `contextMenus`: When right-click the extension button, show a help menu item.
- `scripting`: Inject content scripts to existing tabs.
- `*://*`: Inject content scripts to existing tabs.
- `*://*`: Inject content scripts to existing tabs.
- `*://*`: Inject content scripts to existing tabs.
- `*://*`: Inject content scripts to existing tabs.