Better Group Tabs

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Better Group Tabs

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Easily convert your Chrome tabs to a list, save tabs in one or more groups and restore them back to tabs in a click.

The most convenient way to keep your tabs organized

Save your open tabs into a list and restore back any time
Feeling familiar when too many tabs open at the same time and browser slows down? Group Tabs is specifically designed to make your browser experience comfortable by converting your open tabs into a list and group tabs the way it would work best for you. You can always easily restore the tabs, choosing one specific tab or all tabs at once.

Reduce your computer memory consumption
Having your multiple Chrome tabs organized into a list does not only ease your browsing experience but also helps to reduce your computer memory consumption up to 95% and CPU usage. You will find your browser working faster and prevent tabs from cluttering.

Easy to use
Group Tabs allows reordering and grouping tabs the way you like it. It’s made extremely easy to operate the tabs – you can drag and drop them to reach the right order for you, and hold down the Ctrl or Cmd key while restoring tabs, so that they remain in your list.

You do not need to worry that your tab list will disappear accidentally if Chrome crash happens or if you restart your computer – your list will be automatically saved. Take a few seconds to install Group Tabs to Chrome and make your browsing experience even more convenient.