My English Reading Assistant

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My English Reading Assistant

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Automatically display the meaning of new words, allowing you to enjoy a smooth reading experience of original English works.

Many people have studied English for many years in school and passed the English proficiency test, but have not read many English books. After graduation, they gradually forget all their English. If we can use English in our daily lives, we will not be trapped in the embarrassing situation of learning and forgetting all the time.

We want to read English originals, but our vocabulary is not enough, and almost every page contains many new words. It is very troublesome to manually look up the dictionary for each new word, which often makes people unable to persist in reading. This software is born to solve this problem.

The software revolves around the core concept of personal vocabulary, and automatically displays the dictionary definitions of unfamiliar words for users on English web pages. Helps people with low English proficiency to read English books smoothly. During the reading process, the software will display all the new words on the current page. Users can mark words as "recognized" or "unrecognized" at any time. Any word marked as "recognized" will not show the meaning in the article in the future. With continuous reading and marking, our personal vocabulary becomes more and more accurate. Moreover, during the reading process, more words are unconsciously remembered. These words are related to the plot of the novel and are less likely to be forgotten.