Kick Assist

#4.53 / 30 rate

Kick Assist

8,000 users


Extension Information

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Enhance with Message History, Replay Buffer, VOD Controls, Spell Check and More!

With a Sent Message History to Resend Messages Faster + A Replay Buffer to Rewind Streams + Spellcheck Enabled in Chat + Added VOD Controls and More; Using KickAssist just seems like an obvious choice.

- Chat Features -

Enables Spellcheck
Sent Message History
Sound on Mention Option
Copy Message Button
Custom KickAssist Emotes
Auto Fill Last Sent Message
Theater Mode Left Side Chat Option
Auto Focus Input after Message Send
Auto Focus Input after Quick Emote Send
Toggle Auto Chat Scrolling with ALT Key
Client Side Chat Clear Prevention
Client Side Chat Clear Option
Show Banned Messages
Show Deleted Messages
Show Timed Out Messages
Reveals Detailed Mod Actions
Message Outlines for Staff
Message Outlines for Moderators
Message Outlines for Streamer
Message Outlines for Verified

- Stream Features -

Auto HD Stream
Auto Mute Stream
Auto Theater Mode
Auto Reject Hosts Option
Replay Buffer to Rewind
Custom Playback Speed
Custom Channel Stats Overlay
Draggable and Resizable Chat Overlay Widget
Clicking on the Live Button in Streams will skip ahead to the live video

- VOD Features -

Save VOD Time History
Better VOD Controls
Better Time Stamps
Custom Playback Speed
Space Bar = Pause/Play

- Other Features -

Animated Supporter Badges for everyone who helps support the extension
Typing KA in chat will show a Custom Animated Emote to All Extension Users

- Version Changes -

Changed Sound on Mention to Default Disabled for New Channels
Bug Fix for Auto Load Last Message not disabling when changing channels

- Version Changes -

Bug Fix for Chat Scrolling
Bug Fix for the Chat Button
Bug Fix for the Copy Message Button

- Version 1.2.4 Changes -

Added - Copy Message Button
Added - Custom Emotes to Emotes Menu
Added - Auto Fill Last Sent Message for ReSending
Fixed - Channel Stats and Chat Overlay, due to Kick Site Changes
Change - Lowered the Sound on Mention Volume from 90% to 50% of system volume
Change - Message History will no longer save messages sent that start with a /
Change - Kick Assist Extension Menu now shows a link to this roadmap


Volkan Ozenc
Volkan Ozenc

This is awesome. Very good work! Also you should add the radio / only audio mode for Alt+Tabers 😅

Bruce Raz (BRShadowGuy)
Bruce Raz (BRShadowGuy)

Love this extension. It has almost everything you could need for chat and the customization is pretty well detailed! I want to ask if it's possible to add theater mode for vertical monitors where the stream is on the top and the rest is chat below the stream. Right now it automatically sets it to the sides and is not really good to look at. Thank you!

Robin Banks
Robin Banks

Works great. Is there a way you could add a feature that isolates audio from the stream aka "Radio Mode"? It would be nice if the video playback is stopped and all you get is audio playback from the stream. Good to listen to streams in the background while playing video games for example. There is an extension for Twitch that does that but unfortunately not for kick.

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