XTag Google Analytics: Record & check UA,GA4

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XTag Google Analytics: Record & check UA,GA4

765 users


Denis Rousseau


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Categorize, record and display Google Analytics tags, with parameters meaning.

XTag for Google Analytics allows to collect, detail and categorize all Universal Analytics and GA4 tags.
Extension icon:
• Click on grayed icon: extension window is displayed, icon is highlighted, tags recording begins.
• Click on highlighted icon to display extension window when overlapped or minimized.
• Close extension window: icon is grayed, tags recording ends.
Extension window:
• Click on orange led to stop/resume recording.
• Click on bolt icon to stop/allow extension window raising when a tag is recorded.
• Check "GA4 only" to display only GA4 tags.
» Note: even hidden, UA tags are still recorded, so they will be displayed when unchecked.
• Uncheck "Pages" or "Events" or "Others" (Display advertising, Timing...) to hide them.
» Note: even hidden, tags are still recorded, so they will be displayed when checked again.
• Check "Page URL" to see the URL that triggered the tag.
• Check "Details" to see a selection of data.
• Check "Advanced" to see all data.
• Click on chevron to collapse control bar (or double click anywhere on it), click on collapsed bar to expand it.
• Double-click on tag type or click on its arrow to show/hide all its details.
• Right-click on main tag values to copy them.
• Mouse hover advanced details to see parameters meaning.
• Click on copy icon to copy all displayed entries in a tabulated format that can be pasted in a text editor or as columns in Excel.
• Click on copy icon on row's left to copy only this tag
• Click on trash icon to remove all logged tags.