Rapid Journal Quality Check

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Rapid Journal Quality Check

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Displays rankings and h-index for academic journals next to Google Scholar search results.

Rapid Quality Check for Academic Journals in Google Scholar Search Results

This Chrome extension displays an academic journal's (and some conference's) rankings next to search results from Google Scholar. This also works for scholar profile pages on Google Scholar and other subpages (e.g. cited by, etc.).

A variety of rankings are available for the user to choose from (SJR, ABDC, ABS, VHB, FT50, CORE, ...). These are interdisciplinary (e.g., SJR, BFI), focused on economics/social sciences (e.g., ABDC, VHB, ...), or focused on computer science journals/conferences (CORE, CCF).

Hovering your cursor over the ranking gives you additional information such as the name of the journal and its h-index. Clicking on the "+" (if available) gives you additional rankings; those that you have not pre-selected.

Via the extension's icon (which you can pin) you can also access a search bar to enter a journal name and get the ranking.

This extension uses/builds upon:
- CCFrank by WenyanLiu: https://github.com/WenyanLiu/CCFrank4dblp
- the public Crossref API: https://api.crossref.org/swagger-ui/index.html
- the public dblp API: https://dblp.org/
- Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) list: https://abdc.edu.au/research/abdc-journal-quality-list/
- Academic Journal Guide (AJG) by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (C_ABS): https://charteredabs.org/academic-journal-guide-2021/
- Bibliometriske Forskningsindikator (BFI) of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science ranking: ufm.dk
- Ranking of the Chinese Computer Foundation (CCF): https://www.ccf.org.cn/en/Bulletin/2019-05-13/663884.shtml
- CNRS ranking: https://www.gate.cnrs.fr/spip.php?rubrique31&lang=en
- Foundation National pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Enterprises (FNEGE) ranking: https://www.fnege.org/classement-des-revues-scientifiques-en-sciences-de-gestion/
- Financial Times (FT) research rank:
- High Council for Evaluation of Research & Higher Education (HCERES) ranking: https://www.hceres.fr/sites/default/files/media/downloads/2020-liste-hceres-domaine-shs1-economie-et-gestion_0.pdf
- SCImago Journal & Country Rank (retrieved July 20th, 2022): http://www.scimagojr.com
- CORE journal and conference ranking: http://portal.core.edu.au/jnl-ranks/
- Financial Time's FT50 ranking: https://www.ft.com/content/3405a512-5cbb-11e1-8f1f-00144feabdc0
- Icons from Flaticon.com: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/research


Pedro Paulo
Pedro Paulo

One of the best extensions ever known to man. Keep the hard work guys, it helps a lot.

ELQarar القرار
ELQarar القرار

The study link is not activated in addition to the summary, Please keep updating the database. We don't have to see journal quality lists back and forth saving us a lot of time. Thank you team.

Sumit Manderna
Sumit Manderna

Please keep updating the database. We don't have to see journal quality lists back and forth saving us a lot of time. Thank you team.

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Wenyan Liu