FA Previewer

#4.78 / 79 rate

FA Previewer

930 users



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Full-size pop-up image previewer for submission view on Fur Affinity

Full-size pop-up image previewer for submission view on FurAffinity (see screenshot).

If you find it useful, I'm not asking for donations or anything: I do ask that you tell your friends with chrome, leave a rating or review, and/or give feedback for how you'd like it improved :3

If you want to hack on it, check out https://github.com/Serofox/FA-Previewer

Enjoy, and I hope to hear from you!


New in 2.2.2/3:
* Make it work again

New in 2.2.1:
* Disable preloading, be kind to FA servers

New in 2.2:
* Press 'F' to fave hovered image

New in 2.1.1:
* Always preview full size image

New in 2.2:
* Make it work again.

New in 2.1:
* Press 'S' to download hovered image

New in 2.0.1:
* Update to manifest v2
* Don't show the loading indicator for a split second when viewing already loaded images

New in 2.0.0:
* Support for the new site format. Let me know if you experience any oddities, I completely redid how the images are loaded.

New in 1.3.1:
* Fixed a bug my dumb ass left in from the last update. Finally got unlazy and figured it out.
* A big ol' fuzzy icon (thanks Google!)

New in 1.3.0:
* Support https:// links
* Only preload submissions page now (to be fair to FA's bandwidth)
* Use HoverIntent jquery plugin to preview when there's actual intent

Hopefully this won't break anything (famous last words) but let me know if it does.

New in 1.2.5:
* Hopefully fixed the "off by >9000px" problem, let me know (special thanks to FaykFox and Spyke for helping me find the bug)

New in 1.2.4:
* Images appear on top of menu items
* Moved preloading more to the background

New in 1.2.3:
* Fullsize image preloading

New in 1.2:
* Loading gif
* Fixed some flicker bugs
* Added image border
* Slight image fade-in

NOTE: I am NOT affiliated with Fur Affinity (other than having an account)


Peter Ledergerber (Ramanuta)
Peter Ledergerber (Ramanuta)

I really like this Addon, it's really helpful when you want to just quickly look at a picture without opening it in a new Tab or in the current. It should be toggleable with a key-press or something, because sometimes it can get a bit annoying when you don't want it to enlarge a picture, but 99% of the time it's really useful. I can recommend this Addon to anyone that frequently uses Furaffinity.

Haily Engel
Haily Engel

Good extension until the addition of the flavor text. The message that comes up "Faved...but would you want your mother to know you are faving <image name here>? :(" is unnecessary.

Caleb Boudreaux
Caleb Boudreaux

Exactly what i wanted! Not sure if it says this anywhere but it lets you fave posts by hovering over them and pressing 'f'. Now i can fave insane amounts of pictures far more quickly and easily :D Thank you so much!

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