40 users
Bram Borggreve (beeman...
Get rewarded and reward others with Kin for upvoting and creating awesome content.
Till recently, I could use extension Tipster to get some Kin when browsing my favorite websites, but it was working badly. So, this balance it provides is not updated properly and often contains some old information. It's bad for me since I can't keep the total sum of earnings correctly. So, I decided to update the extension itself and the browser; maybe that would do the trick. I reinstalled the extension and restarted the browser, but yet my situation stayed the same. I turned all other extensions off to check for a conflict; that did not yield results either. Clearing my browser cache and cookies did not work, and I did check the settings to make sure the extension had the permissions it needs to operate. After all these troubleshooting measures, the balance does not update in real time. That has been somewhat annoying, to say the least, because I heavily depended on Tipster for accurate tracking of my earnings in Kin. This has tipped this really reliable tool from being useful to an annoyance. I really wish that the developers would look into this problem at the earliest because, for the present, it is a big blow to the functionality of the extension in general. As such, until that time, it would be hard for me to recommend anybody using Tipster to earn Kin out of their favorite websites.
I'm familiar with the developer and his open source work and contributions. That said, this is an amazing application of Kin and a great idea overall. Must try!
Convenient tool
[email protected]