Friend Hunter

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Friend Hunter

62 users



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Add Targeted Friends and Start Conversations automatically with the Click of a Button!

Friend Hunter helps you find targeted leads and send them friend requests and messages on behalf of you, on AutoPilot!

Friend Hunter is a tool that will completely change your marketing game. Just set it and it will keep connecting you to right people on Facebook all day every day without you needing to do anything.

Friend Hunter has many features like:

- Send friend requests automatically to members of specific groups, friends of a certain person, to likes and comments on certain posts and such.

- Send DMs along with your friend requests

- Send different DM templates for different target groups

- Send an automated message when you get a friend request from someone or when you accept or decline a friend request

- Auto delete pending/not answered friend requests

While you're doing your other important work, Friend Hunter will be working and connecting you with your ideal leads. All you need to do now is make posts that target your new leads! (Unless if you have set Friend Hunter to send auto DMs as well, in which case, your work is already done.)