Easy Wikipedia

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Easy Wikipedia

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Popup info box on Wikipedia.org articles, Omnibox search with keword 'w', and right-click search a highlighted term.

Easy Wikipedia makes it easy to search and access information from Wikipedia.org

-Term Hover Tool
When you go to a Wikipedia article all possible terms will be denoted with a simple underline. Check what the term means by hovering over an underlined term. A description will pop up in a couple of seconds.

-Right-Click Search
On any website, highlight a term, right-click it and choose "Search Wikipedia for ..."

-Omnibox Search
Use the keyword "w". It's simple, type 'w' then a space (or tab) followed by your term to search.

Why Easy Wikipedia?
Well, I don't have ads. I didn't like them and I'm not doing this for money, but instead for fun and learning. (I'm a Computer Science major after all)
I personally use it to quickly understand technical words in articles I'm researching for school.
This would be a great default addition for schools/businesses who use Wikipedia regularly!

>> Update
- Update link selection criteria.
>> Update 0.8.4
- Added How-To, and contact links.
>> Update 0.8.3
- Stops the entire page from scrolling when you scroll within the popup.
>> Update 0.9
- Added right-click search, and Omnibox keyword "w" search