Tricks Game

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Tricks Game

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Now you can play Tricks Game right on Chrome™ Browser! Offline and Popup Version, without internet required!

Tricks is an exhilarating motorcycle racing game available as a Chrome Extension. Created by Yello Games, it offers a delightful and vibrant gameplay experience. In this game, your objective is not only to outpace your opponents and reach the finish line first but also to showcase the most impressive tricks along the way. Compete against five other motocross riders, execute breathtaking jumps and flips to earn bonus points. Aim to secure the coveted title of Tricks champion by crossing the finish line ahead of everyone else. Don't overlook the opportunity to earn additional bonuses through skillful combinations and flawless landings. With daily challenges in place, you can be assured that every race in Tricks is filled with excitement and never lacks entertainment. Take advantage of the chance to play this game for free on the website

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