
#2.5 / 16 rate


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Erik Häyry

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Prevent your tab to be closed or reloaded

Prevent a tab from being closed closed or reloaded. Just right click anywhere on the page and select "Lock tab" from the menu. Also useful when debugging javascript and want to prevent unwanted reloads.


Robby Clauß
Robby Clauß

Funktioniert! Ganz simpel einen Tab per Kontextmenü sperren und beim Schließen des Tabs oder Fensters kommt eine Abfrage. Der Tab muss aber erst nach der Installation der Erweiterung geöffnet werden!

Rasmus Sørensen
Rasmus Sørensen

As of June 2022, this extension still works perfectly, and does exactly what I need, which is to prevent closing tabs that I do not want to accidentally close (e.g. when using a web-app or filling out a form on a page that doesn't itself display a warning when closed). **NOTE: This extension doesn't work on tabs that are already open! Only tabs that you have opened after installing the extension. I think this might be why people get the impression that this extension doesn't work.** There are two ways to lock a tab: 1. Either click the extension icon in the chrome menu bar and select "Lock tab", or 2. Right-click anywhere on the page, and in the context menu select "Lock tab". Now, try to close the tab. It will display a popup, asking you if you really want to close the tab. Click "Leave" to close the tab, or "Cancel" to dismiss the dialog without closing the tab. Why do I need this? I use ctrl+w to close tabs, and sometimes I accidentally hit the tab one time more than I need. For instance, if coding or writing technical documentation, and I've opened one or two tabs to do some research, then I close the research tabs with ctrl+w, and if I hit ctrl+w one time too many, then I close the editor I was actually working in. This extension doesn't provide any way to "unlock" a tab, but I honestly don't need that in practice. When I want to close a locked tab, just close it as you'd normally would, and then press "Leave" in the pop-up dialog that asks you if you really want to close the tab. I really can't think of a use-case where having separate unlock feature is required, and having one would just bloat the extension with unnecessary code.

jacob robinson
jacob robinson

it works fine yall are just dumb

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