Link Roamer

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Link Roamer

186 users


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A browser extension for gathering, organizing, and inspecting all the links on a web page.

1. Inspect links
- Highlight broken links on a page (i.e. 404)
- Highlight non-secure links on a page (i.e. http)
- Quickly find, view, organize, and navigate links on a page
- See the status and reasoning for requests that don't succed
- View links and where they redirect to before navigating

2. Organize links
- Group links by their primary domain name
- Create a tab group from a set of selected links
- Save a set of selected links as bookmarks

3. Interact with links
- Copy links to clipboard
- Open links in a new window or tab
- Open individual links in a background tab
- Export links as `json`, `text`, or `csv`
- Export detailed URL and fetch request data


Open source
This extension is open source and doesn't collect any information from users. You can inspect the source fode at It's free, and made available because I like making useful things for the web. Please consider contributing with an idea, bug fix, or feature request on GitHub.