ArchShield: Safe Search

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ArchShield: Safe Search

509 users



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ArchShield enforces safesearch on multiple websites such as Google and Reddit while also blocking over 5 million harmful websites

2.0 Update: Now integrated with the blocklist project on github to automatically block their list of over 500,000 nsfw domains.

ArchShield is a browser extension that provides a safe and secure browsing experience. Its main feature is enforced Safe Search which ensures that your search results are free of adult content and other potentially harmful material. This is achieved by automatically redirecting you to a safe version of search engines like Google and Bing. ArchShield is lightweight and easy to use, so you can browse the web without worrying about unwanted content. Upgrade your browsing experience with ArchShield today.

ArchShield is the ultimate safe search tool for your browser. With its powerful filters, ArchShield ensures that you only see safe, appropriate content while browsing the web. Whether you're a parent concerned about your children's online safety, or just someone who wants to avoid accidentally stumbling upon NSFW content, ArchShield has you covered. One of its unique features is that it has a Reddit SafeSearch where all the NSFW subreddits are blocked, so you can browse the platform without any worries. ArchShield also offers protection from potentially harmful websites, ensuring that your browsing experience is always safe, clean and enjoyable. With ArchShield, you can rest easy knowing that your browsing is in good hands. It's lightweight, easy to use and does not consume too much memory. It's designed to be non-intrusive, so you can continue to browse the web as you normally would without interruption. Try ArchShield today and experience the peace of mind that comes with safe browsing.


omar ahmed
omar ahmed

didnt use it i just installed it to tell people about cold turkey use both since this one stops the reddit thingy and use the way that Devlyn B reccomended you can do it guys cold turkey is unstopable so YOU HAVE TO USE IT stay strong

Devlyn B
Devlyn B

The only thing I would want you guys to add is a password system or have a way to keep the extension permenantly so i wouldnt be able to delete it and relapse but besides that its really good and i would recommend it to any recovering porn additcs or parents wanting to keep their children safe (Update: I was able to find a way to permenantly keep some chrome extensions but you do need windows/mac/linux to do so) Tutorial for windows/mac/linux mentioned: Windows Create a registry key: ExtensionInstallForceList (IF NOT SEEN) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForceList Create a new string value. If there are no string values present in the key, name the new value 1 (otherwise increment the highest number). Set the data of the string to the id of the chrome extension of choise. Mac You can use managed preferences to install the StatKey App in Chrome. In Workgroup Manager, select a user, user group, computer, or computer group. Click preferences in the top menu bar, and then select the Details tab. If Google Chrome does not show up in the list, click the plus icon, and open the Google Chrome application. Now edit the preferences for Google Chrome. Add a new key to "Always". For the name, choose "Extension IDs and update URLs to be silently installed". Now, create a key inside of this key, and set the value to the following value: the chrome extension id of choice Linux Change into Chrome's managed policies directory (Create this directory if it doesn't exist): /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed Make sure that files within this directory are non-writable by non-admin users. Now, create a file in the directory named statkey.json. Paste the following code into the file: { "ExtensionInstallForcelist": ["the chrome extension id of choice"] } Dont worry there is always light at the end of the tunnel you can quit there is always a way

Jolyan davidsen
Jolyan davidsen

It automaticly force sets Google search engine to safe search, which it is nice I would give it 4.8, but in this rating system it gets 5

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