A Simple To-Do List New-tab Page for Multitaskers
I LOVE this extension!!!! It has exactly what a To-Do list is and not other absurd features. It's perfect when your to-do list is a set of routines you repeat every day, because if you close Chrome it goes back to the original list. It sends the done tasks to the bottom so you can focus on the current. I have 25 animals and ADHD, so it is very difficult for me to not forget some tasks because I get distracted and jump back and forth in my lists, but this app has forced me to do the tasks in order. I have used tons of to-do lists with timers and features that only distract more but really, with this extension I discovered the timer is not that necessary, just focusing in the current task, and I have been able to manage that thanks to this extension. I don't like the blue, but you can change it!!! BUG. When you close and open it, the names of the lists disappear, as well as your settings. Only the lists remain. It seems that the only way to keep the titles and color you set is to leave the extension open when you close Chrome (and this is set to open the same pages that were open when closed, I suppose), so it opens it as a website that you were using.
This is the worst thing EVER. Even thought it may look good, It replaces your New page with its to do list. I hate it!
offered by Fangyu
Joao Antunes
Tareq Jobayere