Biasly News Check

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Biasly News Check

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Generate bias ratings and check the quality of sources and facts on any news articles you visit on the web or social media

The Biasly News Check Chrome Extension operates as a real-time Bias Meter, delivering reliable and comprehensive bias ratings in an instant. It uses the latest data science and analytics to assess bias and reliability, enabling users to fact-check news for biases, accuracy, and reliability in real-time. It also works on Facebook and Twitter to check the quality of social media posts in the your news feed.

★ How it Works

While visiting news websites, users can click on the extension icon or the 'View Bias' button on the right side of the page. The extension also works on Facebook and Twitter, allowing users to check the quality of social media posts in their news feed.

★ About Biasly

Created by the founders at Biasly, a trusted media bias rating agency and news service, this extension upholds the mission of providing aggregated news and bias analytics across various news types.

★ Bias Rating Scale

The Bias Rating scores on a scale of -100% to 100%, with higher negative scores indicating more liberal views and higher positive scores indicating more conservative views, while a 0% score represents neutrality.

★ News Reliability Check

News reliability is assessed based on several factors including the quality and diversity of sources and quotes. Individual scores are provided, along with an average overall reliability score.

★ Author Assessment

Our Author Check feature provides insight into the author's bias score across other Biasly articles, helping you understand if the author leans in a particular direction.

★ Politician Portrayals and Political Terms

Our Bias Meter recognizes how media portray politicians, assigning negative and positive sentiment scores accordingly. The extension also measures author bias towards individual political policies and terms, giving insight into the author's portrayal and the average reader's interpretation.

★ For Everyone: Educators, News Agencies, Politicians, and News Enthusiasts

Designed for people interested in understanding or teaching about media biases, this extension provides actionable insights into news consumption habits. It's a valuable tool for educators, news agencies, politicians, and anyone looking to understand the bigger picture behind the news they read.

★ Getting Started with Biasly News Check Extension

Setting up is easy. Install the extension and create a free Biasly account immediately after the installation. As of now, all bias ratings are free with the extension. By installing the extension, you agree to Biasly's Privacy Policy. Need help? We're just a click away on our contact page.

Experience the new standard for the News Check Extension with Biasly. Understand and navigate the intricate world of news like never before. Embark on a journey towards an unbiased news comprehension now!


Data Two
Data Two

I'm not all that concerned about bias. I'm intelligent enough to wade through that. What I'm most concerned about is facts, as opposed to opinions posing as them or worse, the spreading of lies purposely to sway public opinion. Which has never been a difficult thing to do. I am hoping this extension can at least help with that. For instance, one has to pay close attention to what is and isn't being said to understand when you are being deceived. I've noticed over the years this ever increasing emphasis on concern for bias. Just as the media has overemphasized the 1%, when in fact, it is the top 8% that own and control all assets and resources in the States. Until Occupy Wall Street over a decade ago, the media never or rarely mentioned the top 1% at all. But because of that protest succeeding at what protests generally are meant to do, which is inform the public about things they've been ignoring; the media has no choice but to talk about income disparity. However, it doesn't have to talk about the total picture, or the entire group, but just that 1%, which it can no longer ignore. As a result, your average American generally only refers to the that 1%, while ignoring that the top 8% are really the problem. Why would we be steered gently away from this fact? Because, that top 8% is a larger portion of people, that happen to include more people than you realize. Even though it is a small foot print, they are by far quite visible to the public. Whereas, the top 1% are invisible, always have been and will remain so. The media, regardless of which side it is on, is all owned by only a handful of of multinationals, that includes 8 percenters. Those 8 percenters are your employers, your doctors, your politicians, your lawyers, accountants, entertainment personalities, and even your loud mouthed talking heads spewing feces from their mouths shouting their opinions from every media source you imagine. Even the liberal MSNBC is going to tell us only what serves its purpose. Which ultimately, just as any other for profit media company tries to do. Mostly to keep us glued, in anxiety and thus watching ads. But at least, they have a far far better track record at factuality, than say... Fox. And this is my point, for this is what matters. It really is a secondary concern... bias. What matters most is facts and facts without lies attached to them. Or the quiet practice of omitting of important aspects of a story (which is lying by omission). So, if one side is more factual than the other, than what difference does bias make? Are we to stay away from one politic or the other, simply based on bias, while ignoring that factual element? I believe this to be just one more subtle red-herring that has led Americans astray. Again, something that isn't all that difficult to do. Especially when the red-herring on its surface seems to make logical sense. Then scratch a little deeper, and then you can see the illogic flowing through its veins.

Matthew Di Sandro
Matthew Di Sandro

With so much information out there, this extension really helps me navigate the news. I think it's great for people looking to see whether the information they're consuming is truly objective.

Jay Weisbond
Jay Weisbond

This extension created by Politic Nation is awesome. I am able to click on it before and after I read an article to see the bias rating, policy leaning, and more!

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