With this extension you can enable dark mode on popular websites
Al fín encontré una herramieinta que ponga el excel o la hoja de cálculo en modo oscuro, muchísimas gracias, saludos! <3
Very simple. Converts white pixels to black, black pixels to white. Highlighted text gets a nice yellow with some alpha channel effects. Very Nice! This does exactly what it states it does. Perfectly. I was cautious due to one review stating "barely works. looks obsolete." Well, this extension works for web pages, google drive, sheets, docs, slides, running on PC. They have to prioritize what they work on and I'm sure this is in their backlog, but as of today 02/2024 Google has not yet gotten to this feature in Chrome. Still no native dark mode support for PC. So, yes it looks legacy, EXCEPT THAT IT'S IN DARK MODE!! Exactly what I needed. Well done.
Kind Seach
Larry Garrett
Cherish Aguirre
Wayne Price
Dark Theme Web