Record and Metadata Comparator for Salesforce

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Record and Metadata Comparator for Salesforce

6,000 users


Rajiv Bhatt

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Compare Record data values and object metadata in Salesforce

Compare Object Metadata and it's record values in Salesforce (now supports Lightning!) and see all differences in just four clicks!

1. sorenkrabbe for his extension "salesforce-inspector" available @
I have used the code shared by him to improvise and develop this extension. I would share the code of this extension on github soon.

2. Maninder Singh for enabling the extension to work in Lightning -

This extension compares any two objects or its records (could be from same org or different orgs) and highlights all the differences found. It can show you the following

- Which fields are missing in target org.
- Which fields are missing in source org
- which fields have metadata difference (change in formula, datatype , required etc.)
- which fields have data value mismatch

Please watch the video tutorial available @ to understand the exact functionality and its uses.

Steps to compare Object Metadata:

1. Open up the custom object definition or it's list view or any of it's record in salesforce. This is your source record. Click on the extension icon and then click on the "Select Source Record" button.

2. After that, open up the custom definition of the same object or it's list view or the record (could be from same org or different org). This is your target record. Click on the extension icon and then click on the "Select Target record" button.

3. The extension would create a popup and in that show you all the differences that were found.

Steps to compare Record Values:
1. open any record from a standard/custom object in one org. This is your source record. Click on the extension icon and then click on the "Select Source Record" button.
2. After that, open up any other record for the same object (could be from same org or different org). This is your target record. Click on the extension icon and then click on the "Select Target record" button.
3. The extension would create a popup and in that show you all the differences that were found.

Do recommend the extension with you friends and colleagues if you like it.

Also, if you like the extension, please don't forget to Rate it on the Chrome Extension Webstore.

Feedback/Suggestions/Ideas/Comments most welcome.

Thanks again and I hope this extension saves your time and makes you more productive!

For any queries: [email protected]


Yehoshua {Jeff} Krakowski
Yehoshua {Jeff} Krakowski

used to work but it stopped happy to give great reveiw once fixed


This is the only working extension I could find that would allow dumping of all the fields and data for an object. I then simply copy and paste into Excel for review. Very helpful! Salesforce Inspector should allow this also, but the extension is always disabled (grayed out) for me.

Rahul Rawat
Rahul Rawat

The extension is very useful. Please add an option to save the results in excel and pdf format preserving the original content.

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