Translate words or phrases effortlessly with Google Translator by right-clicking. Enjoy seamless online translation
Right-click on a word or phrase to utilize Google Translator for quick online translation.
š Simplify Translation! Right-click on any word or phrase to access Google Translator for immediate online translation.
š Extension Highlights:
Translate words on the current web page swiftly using Google Translator by right-clicking on the desired text.
āļø User-Friendly Configuration:
Choose your preferred language in the extension settings, enabling the translator to automatically detect the site's language based on your location.
š Multilingual Functionality:
Effortlessly translate between a variety of languages.
š Privacy Assurance:
Use the "Web Translator" extension at your own discretion; no warranty is provided. The author assumes no responsibility for any data loss or damage resulting from its use. By utilizing "Web Translator," you agree to these terms.
š Two Convenient Translation Options:
Experience a user-friendly translator with the ability to translate by double-clicking on a word while reading or by copying and pasting larger text into the extension's popup.
šØ Aesthetic Design:
Effortlessly navigate through the extension's features with its visually pleasing design. Choose the color theme that suits your preference.
š Streamlined Reading:
Read foreign text swiftly and comprehend every word by translating the entire page at once. Utilize the translation button in the context menu or the extension's popup.
š°ļø History and Favorites:
"Click to Translate" retains your language history, eliminating the need to repeatedly choose it. Easily add your favorites to the quick menu.
š« Disclaimer:
The "Web Translator" Chrome extension is independent of the popular site All copyrights belong to their respective owners. This extension is not supported, sponsored, or owned by Google Inc.
š Copyright Acknowledgment:
All copyrights are duly acknowledged and belong to their respective owners. Google does not endorse or sponsor this Chrome extension.