Speedtest by Jalti.in

#3.29 / 7 rate

Speedtest by Jalti.in

125 users



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Test your Internet Bandwidth Speed

What is Jalti.in ?
Jalti.in calculates your current internet bandwidth. Generally you will get this speed results from internet service providers to which your gadget is connected.
How to check ?
Open extension, Click Start. That's it. Test 2 to 3 times for average results. Remember to close all downloads like download manager, torrents and streaming or buffering activities before you run Jalti.in.
Why does Jalti.in report on ping, latency, jitter and other things?
Jalti.in is a simple-to-use way for Indian consumers to test what bandwidth their ISP is providing. Designed for network engineers as a tool for analysis and diagnostic speed test suite.
Will the Jalti.in speed test work everywhere in the world?
Jalti.in will test internet speed globally on any device (mobile phones, desktops, laptops, or smart TV with browser).
Why is Jalti.in offering the speed test service for free?
We thought consumers need simple, quick, commercial-free way to estimate the internet speed their ISP is providing.


Jyotish Books
Jyotish Books

helps to know the connected internet service provider isp without even clicking start!! best use if anyone has two or more internet connections to know which is in use.

Fineexpo Legal Associates
Fineexpo Legal Associates

Works well and good. Alternate to foreign speedtest .net and netflix's fast .com. No malware or adware or any kind of trick and google constantly verifies everything including each line of code of the developer before publishing in chrome store. Jealous people complain, defame by under rating the chrome extension. Just a neat simple speed test for internet bandwidth.

Sivaloga Vaikundam
Sivaloga Vaikundam

Works better with less loading space and data consumption without ads !

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