Shrek's custom extension. Everything that should already be in the game... and more
Shrek's custom extension. Everything that should already be in the game... and more.
Open popup for settings and about page.
Chat Enhancements
- interactive invites with ship preview
- built-in translator
- click player name to manage him
- often used phrases
- missed messages marked red
- expandable height
- smooth animations
- player list ship under TAB key
Button Customizations
- new game buttons: rejoin, instant save, invite
- customizable buttons - text, color, visibility
User Interface
- modern game menu
- animations
- customizable UI color
- customizable scrollbars
Quality of Life
- enhanced kicked out screen - time, rejoin, view chat
- hotkeys for crucial tasks - exit, gravity, save etc.
- toggle ' (cinematic mode) and / (stats)
- favourite ships
- snakecopter!
- save gravity diredction in ship
- quick Texture pack swap
- emergency distress ping for discord
- crew amount statistics