Unhook - Remove YouTube Recommended & Shorts

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Unhook - Remove YouTube Recommended & Shorts

700,000 users



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Hide YouTube related videos, shorts, comments, suggestions wall, homepage recommendations, trending, and other distractions.

A browser extension to remove YouTube distractions, including the recommended sidebar, shorts, endscreen video suggestions, user comments, homepage related videos feed, trending tab, turn off autoplay or annotations, and more. Toggle the options through the popup to customize your own YouTube experience!

Compatible with mobile YouTube, m.youtube.com, through Firefox on Android. Also works on video embeds.

Request a feature: https://forms.gle/eJTVhmGtG5zp6YQE7

Unhook YouTube is available as an add-on for:
- Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/youtube-recommended-videos/
- Microsoft Edge: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/unhook-remove-youtube-r/hebpjnnclppdnfghdnmhgdljmjpfhggk

If you find Unhook useful, please consider making a donation: PayPal.me/unhook

- Hide Homepage Feed
- Hide Video Sidebar
- Hide Recommended (Related Videos)
- Hide Live Chat
- Hide Playlist
- Hide YouTube Shorts
- Hide End Screen Videowall
- Hide End Screen Cards
- Hide Comments
- Hide Mix Radio Playlists
- Hide Merch, Tickets, Offers
- Hide Video Info
- Hide Video Buttons Bar (share, likes, dislikes)
- Hide Channel (profile + subscribe button)
- Hide Video Description
- Hide Top Header
- Hide Notification Bell
- Hide Irrelevant Search Results ("Related to your search", "Latest from", "Searches related to", "People also search for", etc.)
- Hide Explore and Trending
- Hide More from YouTube
- Hide and Redirect Subscriptions
- Disable Autoplay
- Disable Annotations

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