Dial Congress

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Dial Congress

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Displays the phone number of a member of the U.S. Congress when hovering over their name.

A truly representative democracy depends upon the voices of the people. This extension provides handy tooltips when you hover over the names of U.S. senators and representatives, displaying their D.C. office phone numbers (as well as party affiliation and state). Quickly and efficiently let your legislator know how you feel about the issues.

Whether it's to offer support of the latest filibuster or condemnation of the latest bill: make your voice heard!

Dial Congress requires access to the code for all web pages that you visit in order to mark any found congresspeople. For this reason, Chrome will warn you on installation that the extension can "Read and modify all your data on all websites you visit". Please note that we do not collect any personal information whatsoever. We do set data in your local storage, but only to maintain the active state of the extension between tabs and sessions. The code is open source and can be inspected at:


Feel free to submit bugs or feature requests to:


Change log:

v0.3.2 - 2017-04-12
- Removed reps that have left the House for White House appointments
- Tweaked the manifest, using simpler match for content scripts
- Removed unused references to old JSON in web accessible files hash

v0.3.1 - 2017-04-12
- Refines Senate and House data, adding middle names and making adjustments where applicable
- Each item accepts a string for suffix (rather than setting "junior" via a boolean value)
- Splits and checks for hyphenated versions of multi-word last names
- Bugfix for unicode and special character replacement in name preparation
- Prevents multiple markings from being wrapped around the same text (from race condition due to chunked processing)

v0.3.0 - 2017-03-26
- Major overhaul of the regular expression text matching functions
- Pre-generates large regular expressions for more efficient lookups
- Scaffolding for improved/specific middle/nickname matching
- Text replacements for smart quotes and common unicode accented vowels
- Extension active state stored to preserve state after browser restart
- Icon watermarking on tooltip
- Added !important declarations to avoid style discrepancies on certain websites

v0.2.2 - 2017-03-05
- Adds functionality to taskbar icon; user can enable/disable the extension; visual feedback while extension is processing
- Several bug fixes correcting false positives and unmatched content due to punctuation

v0.2.1 - 2017-03-02
- Highlights members of House of Representatives
- Displays house affiliation (“Senate” or “House”) in the tooltip
- Various performance optimizations, scans DOM elements for last names first
- Scans JS/dynamically injected content after page load

v0.1.4 - 2017-02-05
- Fixed issues with false positive matches
- Switched to single large regex, scanning the DOM a single time
- Lazily instantiate tooltips on hover
- Added update listener

v0.1.3 - 2017-01-10
- Adds Google Analytics tracking
- Event tracking for tooltips built and hovered

v0.1.2 - 2017-01-10
- Refactored for better separation of concerns between various operations
- Added unit testing for regular expression matching
- Revised icon and added multiple sizes

v0.1.1 - 2017-01-10
- Added capacity to add an array of nicknames to each JSON item
- Match up to two additional words between first and last name
- Additional reg exp refinements

v0.1.0 - 2017-01-09
- Scans the DOM for potential matches to Senator data
- Wraps found matches with span tags and adds tooltip displaying party, state, phone number
- Breaks up DOM search processes so as not to block page UI access