Bulk Image Downloader From Url List

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Bulk Image Downloader From Url List

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A Chrome extension to bulk download images from a list of image URLs. Schedule downloads, filter by image type, save in folder etc

The Bulk Image Downloader From Url List Chrome extension helps you download your images in bulk, quickly and efficiently.

What you need?
You need a list of image URLs.
First, Install the extension and pin it for easy access.
The extension provides two options – the popup and the options page.
First obviously, you have the textarea for adding your image URLs.
In the Popup, you have the following features:
1. File Type Selection
2. Filename Constructor
3. Folder Name
4. Stripping Duplicates
5. Zipping Images

While in the Options you have these features:
1. File Type Selection
2. Time of Execution (Scheduled Downloads)
3. Filename Constructor
4. Folder Name
5. Stripping Duplicates
6. Duplicating Tasks
7. Zipping Images
8. Drag & Drop
9. Task Execution Status
10. Tasks By IDS

Feature Description
1. File Type Selection
This is where you specify the specific image filetypes you want to download. For example, you could have a list of .PNG files, .JPEG files and .WebP files but only decide to download .PNG files only. This feature is responsible for that.

2. Filename Constructor
This feature is quite something. So many users requested a variety of naming conventions. In our earlier versions, we tried to incorporate all of them but it wasn’t possible, so we decided to give you all the power. So now you can name your downloads however you would like. For example:
i) Original Filenames e.g profile.png
ii) Sequential Naming e.g 1.png, 2.png etc
iii) Timestamp i.e the datetime
iv) URL Fragments. This one extracts everything after the base URL and before the original file name e.g if the URL is https://example.com/folder/20/images/profile.png then the URL Fragments extracted are folder-20-images which means the filename becomes folder-20-images.png
v) Website Naming. In this case, using the example above in (iv) the filename becomes example.png
vi) Hyphen and Underscore. We all know how important these two are in naming conventions. So we added them too.
vii) Add New. This one lets you use any other word to name your files. It can be anything.

Please note that the power behind this feature is this – that you can use a combination of any of the above listen possibilities. Insane!

3. Folder Name
The extension allows you to specify a folder name for your downloaded files.

4. Stripping Duplicates
After collecting those image URLs you might be faced with a situation where you have duplicates and want to clean them. With the click of a button, the duplicates will be gone!

5. Zipping Images
You want to download the images directly into zip files? This extension saves you those minutes so that you do not have to download the images and zip them manually. Time saver!

6. Time of Execution (Options Page Feature)
From the Options page of the Bulk Image Downloader from URL List extension, select when you want the images to be downloaded by specifying the exact date and time! You can create as many tasks as you would like and set their execution time.

7. Duplicating Tasks (Options Page Feature)
Upon SAVING a task, the extension allows you to duplicate it, thus saving you the burden of having to manually create similar tasks again. This enables you to simply change probably just the image URLs and some settings so that you don’t have to do repetitive work! Time saver! Please note that upon duplicating a task, you should refresh the page to see the newly duplicated tasks. If you hit Save Options before refreshing, the settings won’t be saved in the duplicated tasks!

8. Drag and Drop (Options Page Feature)
After creating your tasks, you might want to rearrange and sort them. This extension allows you to drag and drop them in whatever order you want. You can also Lock The Drag Feature to prevent unintended dragging.

9. Task Execution Status/Scheduling Status (Options Page Feature)
You want to know if a task is in Draft Status, Pending or Completed. You have colors to help you quickly identify those statuses.

10. Tasks by IDS
Each task has it’s own unique ID. Might be helpful in tracking your downloads by ID.

This is not just another chrome extension. The Bulk Image Downloader from URL List Extension is here to help you accomplish your daily bulk download tasks but also, make save you time and money while also helping you stay organized!

Disclaimer: Ensure you have the necessary rights to download images and do not infringe on the owner's rights.

I value your feedback! Got an issue? Got a feature suggestion that you badly want me to integrate? I will be happy to take a look. Send me a quick message on the extension's official contact page https://bulkimagedownloaderurllist.com/contact/ or use the support link here.

Found it useful? Here's my BuyMeACoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/danstan


Mindbrook Mindbrook
Mindbrook Mindbrook

Hi, Wow. This is amazing. Removing the URL limit will be great. I have a series of images, all end with NATIVE.JPG. How can I name them as the number in the URL: The filename to end with 0001, 0011, 0012, 0013, 0014, 0015_native.jpg these are the URLs: /iiif/ebr.573_0001_al_piatto.anteriore.jp2/full/3022,/0/native.jpg /iiif/.ebr.573_0011_fa_0001r.jp2/full/3022,/0/native.jpg /iiif/.ebr.573_0012_fa_0001v.jp2/full/3022,/0/native.jpg /iiif/.ebr.573_0013_fa_0002r.jp2/full/3022,/0/native.jpg /iiif/.ebr.573_0014_fa_0002v.jp2/full/3022,/0/native.jpg /iiif/.ebr.573_0015_fa_0003r.jp2/full/3022,/0/native.jpg Also, adding a folder doesn't work. it still downloads only in the \download folder.

Anash Pupa
Anash Pupa

Hi Danstan Ongubo It's a great image downloader. but I've also realized that there's a limit of 50 downloads. So scheduling the job overnight wont work beause it stops at 50 URL's. Please remove the limit.

Leon Teitlebaum
Leon Teitlebaum

Awesome! Effective and easy to use! I have 2 issues: 1) No Prefix or suffix button. 2) seems to have a limit of downloading only 50 images. I pasted 300 URL's, but only 50 will download.

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