AliTrusts — Shopping Assistant on AliExpress™

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AliTrusts — Shopping Assistant on AliExpress™

63 users


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Price history, seller rating, customer reviews, similar products

Dynamics of price changes, monitoring of discounts, information about the seller, reviews of real buyers.
The AliTrusts extension is added directly to the item page.
AliTrusts will ensure that you can buy at low prices only from trusted sellers. Sales on large marketplaces are held all the time, but many sellers leave discounts on goods after sales.
Here is what Alitrusts will do for you to save even more on your purchases:
- check the seller. When compiling a seller's rating, it is taken into account how long he has been selling on the marketplace, how well the seller's goods correspond to the description, how the seller has proven himself in communicating with buyers, and also how quickly the seller ships orders;
- will show the history of price changes so that you can make sure that the discount is real, if the seller reports about its availability;
- track the price increase/decrease for a specific commodity item;
- prepare and conveniently display customer reviews;
- will notify you about the price reduction for the goods;
- will display similar products.
The AliTrusts plugin allows you to familiarize yourself with the change in the price of the product before making a purchase (whether the discount declared by the seller is real), reviews of real buyers, check how reliable the seller is, find similar products, track the decrease / increase in the price of the product.
Enjoy safe shopping with AliTrusts - Shopping Assistant on AliExpress™.
Questions and suggestions related to the operation of the AliTrusts add-on, you can send us at [email protected]. By installing the extension, you authorize the extension to redirect you to the links of the AliExpress affiliate program. To provide features and improve the product, we collect anonymized data about how you use AliExpress. More details in the privacy policy -