Price Snoop - Smarter Shopping on Amazon(r)

#3.83 / 35 rate

Price Snoop - Smarter Shopping on Amazon(r)

4,000 users


Extension Information

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Compare prices across the European Amazon(r) stores.

Price Snoop activates whenever you visit an Amazon store, showing you just how much an item costs on other Amazon stores and allowing you to navigate between them with a single click. Even works for items that are unavailable on one store but which might be available on the other stores.

# Features

## Private
Price Snoop only sends communicates with Amazon and European Central Bank’s currency conversion rates, and does all computations locally, on your computer. Nobody, including the author, has access to the items you browse and shop.

## Fast
No clicks needed to check alternate prices, all you need is hover the cursor over Price Snoop’s icon and the magic happens. All price checks are done simultaneously to avoid any possible delays, they are then remembered for the duration of your shopping session. This way you can re-check the prices and not waste an extra second.

## Seamless
Great care was taken to make Price Snoop look and feel right at home in Amazon’s interface - you’ll barely notice it’s there until you need it.

## Everywhere
Works on the following European Amazon stores: UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, and Netherlands.

# Note

In order for the price comparison to work as expected, you need to make sure,, and all use English in the Language Settings.


Richard Webb
Richard Webb

Doesn't seem to do anything.

Dango Pix
Dango Pix

Per quella che è la mia esperienza, nessun prezzo suggerito risulta poi essere reale.

Michaël Cox
Michaël Cox

I'm not a heavy shopper, but I definitely don't like paying too much for a product that's available elsewhere for a lower value. Because then you feel ripped off. Therefore Pricesnoop is IMO one of the most underrated extensions in the store. It takes advantage of the EU single market and it's free movement of goods. It has save me a few euro's already, but most of all it has saved me time (comparing goes a lot quicker), the most precious resource in life. Thanks Vlad!

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