Snap Scroll

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Snap Scroll

235 users


Steven Meliopoulos

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Delightfully fast and precise scrolling via point and click.

Snap Scroll helps you read better!

Ever wonder why reading in books is more comfortable than on screens? It's because the text in books doesn't move!
When you scroll the text you're reading, you're giving your eyes a hard time.
Snap Scroll brings the book experience to the screen by replacing that continuous movement with quick and predictable hops.

How does it work?

Keep your hands off that scroll wheel! When you finish reading a paragraph, just click directly below it using the middle mouse button (or the left and right button at the same time) to instantly bring the next paragraph to the top - like a virtual page turn! Because there is no interruption you'll be less distracted.

Give it a try and see your focus improve!