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Wade through all your tabs fast

This extension lets browser power-users easily juggle dozens of tabs at any time. Enter a search string (could be a standard JavaScript regex), highlight the URL you want to bring up, and press return, double-click it, or press the "Go" button. Tabhunter will even find and bring up minimized windows containing the target tab.

Tabhunter also lets you easily bulk-close large numbers of tabs. Let's say you have a bunch of github pages all related to a project we'll call "inconsolable-toucan". Enter a pattern like '', click on the first hit in the list, shift-click the last hit, and press the "Close Tabs" button. No-longer-needed tabs gone like that.

Bring up Tabhunter by either pressing the hunter's scope icon, or using the command-key Ctrl-Shift-T on macos, Alt-Shift-T on Linux and Windows.

Drowning in a sea of tabs? Stay afloat with Tabhunter. Users of that other browser have been happily using it since 2008. Now you Chrome folks can use it too.

Under no circumstances should this software be confused with Tab Hunter, an actor best known for his work in the mid-20th century.

2.1.6 - support moving a group of tabs to a selected window

2.1.7 - support selecting windows in the pattern field:
* putting `{w:N}` at the start of a pattern shows only tabs in window N
* putting `{w:N:T1-T2}` at the start of a pattern shows only tabs T1 through T2 in window N
* putting `{w:N:T}` shows tabs T through the end in window N
* putting `{w:N:-T}` shows tabs 1 through T in window N

2.2.0 - prefs are now available in the main window via the "More..." button and no longer change only when the "Submit" button is pressed.

2.2.2 - Support for drag+drop when tabs are sorted by window/tab position.

3.0.1 - Reinstate support for searching *inside* the tabs, including by regex or xpath

3.1.0 - Support for "Select All" (Ctrl-A , Cmd-A on macos)

3.2.4 - Rearchitected to deal with very large numbers of tabs (like 1000 or more) gracefully

3.3.0 - Leave maximized and fullscreen windows at that size.

3.4.0 - Migrate the add-on to use the Chrome Manifest V3 version

3.5.0 - Press Backspace or Delete to close selected tabs

3.5.2 - Undo change in 3.5.0. Backspace/Delete now works only on input fields.

3.6.0 - Show the current window number when sorting by windows+tab position (oldest window is no. 1)


Rick Collins
Rick Collins

I had this installed on both of my supported browsers until my laptop died. I was missing it on the new machine, but couldn't remember the name until it came to me one morning. So this very useful tool is now on both my Firefox and Chrome browsers. I'm going to try it on Comodo Dragon which is a Chrome knockoff next and then maybe AVG browser which I think is another.

Daniel G
Daniel G

Was glad that Ghacks stumbled upon it and that it is also available for Chrome-based browsers too! ;)

Aimee Promislow (GlassSipper)
Aimee Promislow (GlassSipper)

Great app. Thanks for writing it!

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