Facebook Ad Library Scraper

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Facebook Ad Library Scraper

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One-click extract Facebook ad library data from the search result page as Excel/CSV/JSON/HTML/XML file.

🚀 Effortlessly extract facebook ad library data from the search page to a Excel/CSV/JSON/HTML/XML file.

🔧 How it Works:
1️⃣ Go to the facebook ad library search page.
2️⃣ Perform a search, then click the "Start" button on extension popup.
3️⃣ Choose to download from the data scraping pop-up or the task list on extension.

🌳 What facebook ad library data can I extract using this tool?
💼 Ad ID 🌐 Ad Archive ID 🗄️ Archive Types
📚 Categories 💻 Contains Digitally Created Media 📊 Collation Count
📊 Collation ID 💵 Currency 🕒 End Date
🌐 Entity Type 📈 Gated Type ❌ Has User Reported
🚨 Hidden Safety Data 🔍 Hide Data Status 🔄 Impressions With Index
🌐 Is AAA Eligible 🚀 Is Active 📋 Is Profile Page
📜 Page ID 📜 Page Name 🌐 Political Countries
🌐 Reach Estimate 🔍 Report Count 📸 Snapshot of Ads creatives)
💰 Spend 🕒 Start Date 🚩 State Media Run Label
🚀 Publisher Platform 📚 Menu Items 🏢 Advertiser
📊 Insights 🚀 AAA Info and so on.

Note: This extension is an independent creation and is not affiliated with or endorsed by facebook❗️🔒