WAXP - Contacts Exporter for WhatsApp

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WAXP - Contacts Exporter for WhatsApp

474 users


So Lets Talk Digital


Extension Information

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Export all or unsaved contacts from WhatsApp™ groups, chatlist and labels to CSV file.

WA Bulk Contracts Extractor Extension by SoLetsTalkDigital (also known as “SO”) lets you extract contacts from your WhatsApp easily and makes them available for download in a csv file.

This is not a Free Extension and offers Yearly and Lifetime subscription options at affordable prices for unlimited use. The subscription plans require payment that is processed by Razorpay.
If you like this chrome extension, consider sharing your review with us. Your support will help us make this extension more robust.

For any issues related to the WA Contacts Extractor Extension, then feel free to reach out to us on [email protected].

This Chrome plugin is not endorsed or certified by WhatsApp Inc and is merely an unofficial enhancement and automation tool that works with WhatsApp for Web.

The privacy of the users is important to us. We don’t broadcast, sell, share or distribute any user collected data. The extension was designed to keep privacy of our users in mind. For more information, read:
SoLetsTalkDigital privacy policy: https://soletstalkapp.com/privacy
Razorpay privacy policy: https://razorpay.com/privacy/