Quick Tabs

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Quick Tabs

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A keyboard centric most recently used (MRU) ordered page list plugin with seek and switch functionality inspired by IntelliJ IDEA

Quick Tabs is a tab management browser extension for the Google Chrome web browser based on the "Recent Files" quick selector built into the excellent IntelliJ IDEA by Jetbrains.

Quick Tabs allows you to move quickly between recently used tabs without requiring the use of your mouse, locate and switch to tabs as you need them with minimal keystrokes even when you have large numbers of open tabs.

Visit the [Quick Tabs](https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/jnjfeinjfmenlddahdjdmgpbokiacbbb) google extensions page to install and try it out ...


* Lists all the open tabs in Chrome across all of your open windows
* Tabs are listed in most recently used (MRU) order and excludes the current tab (since you're switching tabs)
* Fuzzy search your bookmarks:
* Bookmarks are automatically searched when only a few tabs match your search string
* Add a space at the start or end of your search string to search bookmarks along with tabs
* Start your search with `/b` or add **two spaces** at the start or end of your search string to search only bookmarks
* delete bookmarks directly from the search results by clicking the 'x'
* Fuzzy search your browser history:
* Start your search with `/h` or add **three spaces** at the start or end of your search string to search browser history
* Find noisy tabs by searching for `<))`
* Chrome keyboard shortcuts (configured using the keyboard shortcuts dialog at the bottom of the Chrome Extensions page):
* Shortcut key to launch popup window from most tabs (default ctrl+e, cmd+e on Mac, ctrl+q on Linux).
* Select previous tab without loading the popup window (unmapped by default)
* Select next tab without loading the popup window (unmapped by default)
* IMPORTANT the 'next tab' shortcut is only available for a second or so (while the badge text is orange) before the current tab is moved to the top of the MRU list.
* Duplicate the current tab without (unmapped by default)
* Tab list popup shortcut keys:
* Select previous tab (same as Chrome keyboard shortcut or up arrow)
* Select next tab (same as Chrome keyboard shortcut or down arrow)
* Switch to selected Item (enter)
* Duplicate the selected item and switch to it (same as Chrome keyboard shortcut, unmapped by default)
* To close selected tab (default ctrl+d, see extension options)
* Displays the number of tabs you currently have open in all your Chrome windows
* Quickly search and select tabs by typing letters in the page title or url
* Track recently closed tabs and allow them to be searched and restored
* Popup customization using css


Commands start with a `/` and can be typed in the popup window search box to tweak the search behaviour or perform actions on tabs;

### Query Commands

* `/b ` - search bookmarks
* `/h ` - search browser history
* `/w ` - search the tabs in the current window only
* `/p ` - search pinned tabs only
* `/g ` - search tabs that belong to the same tab group as the current tab (or no tab group if it's not in a group)

### Search Types

You can now change the search type for a single search, this can help if you have a specific search string in engine combo in mind.

* `/fuzzy ` - use the fuzzy search engine for this query only
* `/fuse ` - use the fuse search engine for this query only
* `/regex ` - use the regex search engine for this query only
* `/subs ` - use the subs search engine for this query only

### Tab Management

Tab management commands all accept RegExp search queries.

* `/close ` - search for and close tabs
* `/merge ` - merge tabs into the current window
* `/split ` - split tabs and move them into a new window
* `/reload ` - reload all the tabs in the search result
* `/mute ` - mute the tabs in the search result
* `/unmute ` - unmute the tabs in the search result
* `/group ` - create new tab groups or move tabs into groups using the search results


Quick Tabs requires the following:

* **Read and change your browsing history**: _read only_ access is required to record your open tabs and search browser history.
* **Read and change your bookmarks**: _read/write_ access is required to search, display and remove (by clicking the 'x' in the results list) bookmarks.


#### Quick Tabs ready for action.

![Popup Screenshot](screenshots/in_action.png?raw=true)

#### Tab and bookmark search.

![Search Screenshot](screenshots/searching_tabs.png?raw=true)

#### History search.

![Search History](screenshots/searching_history.png?raw=true)

Search your browser history by starting your search with '/h ' or adding 3 spaces to the end of your search query.

#### Decide what to show.

![Search History](screenshots/go_minimal.png?raw=true)

#### Custom CSS styling.

![Search Screenshot](screenshots/custom_css.png?raw=true)

In this case https://userstyles.org/styles/99938/better-styling-for-chrome-extension-quick-tabs by @Bunnyslippers. See the [./3rdParty/css](./3rdParty/css) directory.


The source code for this extension is available on [github](http://github.com/babyman/quick-tabs-chrome-extension), please feel free to inspect it before you install this extension, especially as I am asking permission to interact with your computer and its private data.

You can also install it manually if you want to be certain that the source code on github is directly what you install. Note, this will NOT automatically update the extension when bugs are fixed and features are added.

In your terminal, `cd` to the folder you want to clone it to, and run `git clone https://github.com/babyman/quick-tabs-chrome-extension`. Then in Google Chrome, click `Window - Extensions`, click the checkbox called "Developer Mode", and click the "Load unpacked extension" button. Navigate to the cloned project, and select the "quick-tabs" folder. You now have the plugin loaded as a developer. Again, this will NOT automatically update the extension when bugs are fixed and features are added.


Please report all your valuable feedback, feature requests and bug reports on the github [issues page](http://github.com/babyman/quick-tabs-chrome-extension/issues) for this extension.


If you find Quick Tabs useful and want to buy me a coffee, I really like coffee :D ...



2021.6.29 - merged PR #349, support deleting bookmarks from the results list, thanks @shihshen. PR #351, assign a window specific class to result list items, thanks @kjelly.

2021.6.16 - merged PR #344, added support to order tabs by URL, thanks @armstrongli. PR #347 added new native chrome css, thanks @piyush1104.

2021.3.21 - merged PR #341, Tab order update delay of 0 ms is not respected, thanks @legate. Fix an issue loading saved shortcut keys and set the badge background color to red when debug == true, fix a 10-year-old Yellow Argon Web Store keyword violation because Quick Tabs has nothing to do with `search` or `tab`


2021.1.31 - merged PR #333, option to enter custom debounce delay value, thanks @goran-zdjelar, add duplicate tab keyboard shortcut, add 2 new group commands `/g` to search current tabs group only and `/group` to create groups and move tabs into groups

2020.9.8 - merged pull request #330, fix for issue that some undefined elements, thanks @jaekyeom (refs #326).

2020.6.30 - upgrade jQuery (fixes #318)

2020.6.3 - fix bug #315 adding spaces to search bookmarks and histories no longer working

2020.5.31 - merge pull request #314 to fix undefined tabs, thanks @NicoWeio (refs #251, #310, #275, #313). Added back the space prefix to search bookmarks and history, fixes #311, support searching pinned tabs only `/p `, fixes #290

2020.3.10 - combined the code that handles the `no tabs match` keyboard and empty tab list triggers to behave more consistently, fixes #302

2020.1.26 - bug fix, "Can't switch to "discarded" tabs" fixes #300

2020.1.25 - merge pull request #211, "add option to order tabs in window order" thanks @gregsadetsky and request #301, "Fix command key combination issue in popup" thanks @powpowshen also switch search type used by commands from substr to regexp, see #299.

2020.1.18 - bug fix, "when no tabs match" stopped working, fixes #298

2020.1.13 - call .stopPropagation() in click event handlers, refs #295, add debouncing to improve the responsiveness of the UI when entering queries, refs #297

2020.1.8 - refined tab moving options, see 'Only move tabs when switched via the extension popup', fixes #296

2020.1.5 - add support to keep window tabs in MRU order with the 'Move tab to leftmost position on switch' option see #174

** See GitHub for the complete release history **


Inspired by

Icon image based on photo by Ged Carroll found at

Blank Icon by Deleket (Jo)


Karolis Misiunas
Karolis Misiunas

Bond Sun
Bond Sun

Possible to show and highlight current tab? Thanks a lot!


finely polished, almost feels like a native feature lol. edited style to match my theme as well. request: middle click to close tab update: I implemented the middle click feature lol. just paste this to popup.js $('.open').on('mousedown', function(event) { if(event.button === 1) { event.stopPropagation(); closeTabs([parseInt(this.id)]); } }); bug: popup closes after closing tab with shortcut update: I investigated the problem and can say it happens when "jump to previous when close" option is enabled. I believe it's a focus/blur conflict. the bug persist for the other extensions as well. whenever I close a tab with api, all popups dissappear. hope it helps to fix this issue cuz I really liked the feature and the extension itself.

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