BRIALO - LinkedIn Commenter, Email Finder & Automation Tool

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BRIALO - LinkedIn Commenter, Email Finder & Automation Tool

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Extract the most active Linkedin active users from any Linkedin post and send them a connection request.

Grow your LinkedIn like a PRO. Find the most active users on LinkedIn and add them to your connections by sending personalized connection requests.

The only tool that helps you build a personal brand on LinkedIn. You don’t have to worry about we have got you covered with some of the best strategies for LinkedIn marketing.

Find 100% verified email of any LinkedIn profile to start your lead generation campaign without breaking the bank.

Extract the most active LinkedIn users from any LinkedIn post and send them a connection request.

Comment on the posts of top content creators to increase your profile visibility. Generate AI comments with near-human precision.

- Fetch any personal or company post
- Fetch profiles of those who liked or commented OR both from that post
- Filter them based on the connection degree, keywords, and activity
- Send them a personalized connection request
- Find the email address of any LinkedIn profile
- Write near-human AI comments on any LinkedIn post

Install this extension and add those active connections to your LinkedIn profile.

Important Disclaimer (!): BRIALO is not endorsed by or affiliated with LinkedIn Corporation, which is registered in the U.S. and other countries. LinkedIn is a trademark of LinkedIn Corporation.


Gouri Dixit
Gouri Dixit

I loved Brialo's lead generation features. This tool has helped me save so much time managing and networking with my leads. It's made my life as easier as I can save time on the lead generation for both me and my clients.

Vaibhav Lohani
Vaibhav Lohani

I have used multiple tools for LinkedIn. However Brialo is the best one I could find. The different tones of comments, and profile extractor features from the post engagement are my two favorite one. It made my life easy as a Personal Branding Strategist by saving my time and reducing my effort by 50% (at least). I highly recommend everyone to use Brialo looking to make the maximum out of LinkedIn.

Adhithya Jayakumar
Adhithya Jayakumar

This tool is literally the Game-Changer for people who are looking out for growth on Linkedin & building a network of supporters. Been using this tool from the time it had launched & crazy updates coming every other month making it one of the most precious tools for me :)

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