Note Saver

#4.6 / 5 rate

Note Saver

323 users


ZB Innovations

Extension Information

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Save notes for specific webpages

Version 2024.05.14: Table body font in monospace
Version 2023.4.18: Filter the table; color the row red if note exists for current page; feedback link; version number displayed; bugfix for truncateUrl(); look and feel improvements
Version 2023.4.14: Clickable column headers in the table to toggle table sorting.

Note Saver is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to save notes for web pages that you visit. Here are the steps on how to use each and every feature:

Install the Extension:
a. Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for "Note Saver".
b. Click the "Add to Chrome" button and follow the prompts to install the extension.

Save a Note:
a. Navigate to a web page you want to save a note for.
b. Click the Note Saver icon in the Chrome toolbar.
c. Type your note in the text area that appears.
d. Perform any action outside of the text area to save the note.

Editing Saved Notes:
To edit a note that you have saved for a web page, follow these steps:
* Open the web page that you have saved notes for.
* Click the extension's icon in the Chrome toolbar.
* Edit the note in the text area.
* Click outside of the text area to save the changes.

View your Notes:
a. Click the Note Saver icon in the Chrome toolbar.
b. The notes you have saved for the current web page will be displayed in the text area.
c. To view all of your saved notes, click the "Show saved notes" button.

Red Rows
a. If a row is marked red, it means that the current URL in the browser matches the URL associated with the note in that row.

Filtering the Table
a. To filter the table by URL or note, type in the search box located at the top of the table. Only rows containing the text you typed will be displayed.

Delete a Note:
a. Click the Note Saver icon in the Chrome toolbar.
b. Find the note you want to delete in the table and click the trashcan icon next to it.
c. Click "OK" to confirm that you want to delete the note.
d. Alternatively, if you want to delete the note for the current webpage, simply delete the text in the text area after loading the webpage.

Sort your Notes:
a. Click the Note Saver icon in the Chrome toolbar.
b. Click the "Show saved notes" button.
c. Click on the column header of the table to sort the notes by that column.
d. Click the header again to reverse the sort order.

Data Storage:
This extension stores your notes in your Google Chrome browser's storage. This means that your notes are stored locally on your computer and are not accessible by anyone else.

This extension does not collect any personal information from you. The extension only requires the "storage" and "activeTab" permissions to function properly.


Reaper YT
Reaper YT

I've been looking for a note extension that was simple like this one. All of the others pissed me off, but this one is really nice! Please never change it, it's so good. Keep up the great work!

Malik Ivan
Malik Ivan

Simply does what it should for me.

karl alberto
karl alberto

Indenting a little bit wonky. Otherwise, great note saver! I'm using this to save code so I need the indenting to be proper. Though it works amazing with regular notes, I recommend making one to fix my specific problem(code)!

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