SourceForge Stats

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SourceForge Stats

36 users


Laisson Silveira


Extension Information

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View stats your project in SourceForge.

This extension is for you too lazy to go to the SouceForge's website to see how is the statistics of your application. It's simple! Click on the extent icon and pop that will open, enter the name of your project and choose a date filter, if all goes well, then will be presented you the download statistics of your project, and the next time you do not need to re-enter the project name, only if you want to check another.

The extension does not require any additional permission.

Angularjs was used to bind the information, Bootstrap / jQuery to layout and c3 / d3 JS for displaying graphics.

The code is open (open source) and can be accessed here (

Version 1.5.1 (10 Fev 2016)
- Fixed bug (No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource)

Version 1.5 (13 Jan 2016)
- Code Review
- New feature: have more of a saved project, displayed in a list in the 'Project Name' field

Version 1.4 (10 Jan 2016)
- Improvements to the code

Version 1.3 (30 Dez 2015)
- Add OS by Country
- Translated to portuguese

Version 1.2 (25 Dez 2015)
- Changed sampling of y-axis to only integers

Version 1.1 (24 Dez 2015)
- Error fixed: form hiding when some error happens in finding the statistics.

Version 1.0 (23 Dez 2015)
- Initial Project