Voice Text Zulu

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Voice Text Zulu

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A simple Voice To Text Google Chrome Extension to optimize your daily work flow

Voice Text Zulu - Update Summary for Version 1.2
New Features and Enhancements:
Improved Voice-to-Text Functionality Across Multiple Sites:

Enhanced compatibility with various websites, ensuring more consistent voice-to-text conversion.
Global Icon State Management:

The extension icon now correctly reflects the recording state globally, not just on a per-tab basis. This makes it easier for users to see whether the extension is actively listening for voice input.
Robust Speech Recognition Handling:

Speech recognition is now more reliable, with improved handling of start and stop commands. The extension seamlessly manages the state of the speech recognition service, even when switching between tabs.
Error Handling and Debugging:

Added comprehensive error handling for speech recognition, addressing issues like 'no-speech' errors and ensuring the extension continues to function smoothly.
Improved console logging for easier debugging and troubleshooting.
Performance Improvements:
Efficient Script Injection:

Optimized the way scripts are injected into web pages, reducing the likelihood of conflicts with site-specific scripts or policies.
Delayed Stop for Continuous Listening:

Implemented a delay mechanism that keeps the speech recognition active for a period after the last speech is detected, enhancing the user experience during continuous use.
Compatibility Notes:
The extension is now tested and confirmed to work on a wider range of websites. However, users may still experience limited functionality on sites with strict Content Security Policies (CSP) or complex input field controls, such as the main Google Search page.
Best performance is observed on sites with standard HTML input fields.
User Experience:
Users are encouraged to provide feedback on their experience with the extension, especially regarding its functionality on different websites. This feedback will be invaluable for future updates and enhancements.



Mechele LaBrie
Mechele LaBrie

Great app and easy to use. Will help me to be more productive. One suggestion would be to make it look more modern.

Reese Makes
Reese Makes

This app is so helpful! It has helped my productivity because now I can speak directly into text, which is way faster than typing. It even helps out with spelling. I would really like for the next version to look more modern, like google artwork.

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