Copy content from web powerful than ever before.
Almost perfect. Copycat has been the only copy as markdown tool I have found to be able to correctly copy web pages with code blocks and have the code blocks preserved and most of the other indentation in the web page be formatted correctly. The only addition I'd make would be to make it a bit smarter. Sometimes code blocks have a title bar with the name of the language on the left and a "Copy code" like button on the right (e.g. ChatGPT's site). When using the extension you get the three backticks (```) on one line to indicate the beginning of a code block, the language on the next, and the button text on the third line. While there is likely nothing that can be done about the button text, it would be nice if the extension would recognize there is a code language on the line after the three backticks and merge those two lines together (e.g. ```python), as it would save having to do so by hand or having to write a script to do so.
还以为是复制内容,如果只是复制页面标题和链接,收藏栏加个js就可以了,比如Markdown ,收藏的链接为: javascript:var icentent = "[" + document.title + "](" + window.location.href + ")"; prompt("请复制:", icentent);;
This is an excellent tool. I still find another extension "Copy as Markdown" to be very useful, but this may be my new multi-purpose copy tool. I wish it had a way to simplify some things a little for grokability for copying and pasting "formatting" to AI systems for analysis, but this might be as close as we can get in a general plugin.
Pavlo Ukhan
Kenshin Wang
Shingo Yamazaki