iSeeCars Instant VIN Report

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iSeeCars Instant VIN Report

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View an instant VIN Report for a car as you browse Craigslist or any site. It’s FREE and a must-check before buying or selling.

The iSeeCars VIN Report for Chrome gives you the best free resource for researching a used car as you browse Craigslist, Autotrader,, Carmax, or any other site. Simply click the iSeeCars VIN Report icon on the browser toolbar (or right-click on a selected VIN and click on “iSeeCars VIN Report”) and get a free comprehensive report instantly showing the vehicle's market value, price and listing history, projected depreciation, and much more including links to vehicle history, to check on open recalls and theft records.

Our mission is to help the consumer get better educated about each used vehicle before buying it. We know buying a used car is an arduous and frustrating experience (we know as we've been through it many times). We believe having the right information and data helps make the process a bit less difficult, helps you get a better price and make a more informed decision.

The data and analyses are powered by's renowned analyses and studies which have been featured in many major publications and media outlets such as Consumer Reports, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, ABC/CBS/NBC News, CNBC, Forbes, Fortune, and many others.

Each iSeeCars VIN report and analysis includes up to 200 data points such as:

*** Market Value and Charts

Get an estimate of the used car’s market value compared to other cars that have been sold in the same local area.

*** Listing and Price History

See a history of where and when the used car had been sold along with the prices and how long the car was on the market.

*** Vehicle History, Open Recalls, Stolen Car, and More

Instantly links you to resources to check vehicle history (free in some cases) from Carfax or Autocheck and to check for open recalls and theft records.

*** Projected Depreciation

Get an estimate of how much the used car will depreciate over 3 to 5 years and in comparison with similar and competitor cars.

*** Best Time to Buy (and Sell)

As with houses, cars also exhibit seasonal fluctuations. See when you should buy or sell to get the best prices.

*** Dealer Scorecard

For a used car currently for sale, see how the dealer compares to other dealers for price, transparency and responsiveness.


>> Thank you so much! This is excellent information about vehicles, and very valuable when one is considering purchasing a used or new vehicle. Glad I found the site, and will share with family and friends.

>> I love how there are so many tools to make comps and a educated decision

>> Honesty Free what you say we get we get.Information we get from the Vin is very informative.Thank you for this free informative straight up honest service that provides vehicle information from the vin#.

>> Excellent. The data is well organized- great charts for comparison. Very helpful info!

>> This was fantastic! Thank you for providing this free service/information.

>> Incredibly helpful and informative. Love that it is free!

>> thanks so much. The graphs and visuals made it easier for me to visualize.

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Chris- Service Corporation
Chris- Service Corporation

Best APP

Paul Chung
Paul Chung

Cool app, automatically reads a VIN from the web site you're viewing and then aggregates useful data from multiple sources to get a better sense of market value.

Jamie Masterson
Jamie Masterson

Really cool extension. Makes finding a good car on craigslist so easy...the report gives so much useful info. Been looking for a tool like this for a long time.

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